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Nedopušteni udarac: Bivši UFC borac pokazao zastrašujuću ozljedu lica, ovo ni maska ne može sakriti

Boston Salmon nedavno je pretrpio težak nokaut, a tek sad vidimo posljedice.

gol expired (Foto:

Prije dva tjedna na večeri organizacije Legacy Fighting Alliance vidjeli smo jedan grozan trenutak o kojem je brujao borilački svijet. Bivši UFC borac Boston Salmon slavio je u meču protiv Shawna Westa iako je bio brutalno nokautiran udarcem koljenom u glavu.

No taj je Westov potez bio ilegalan jer je Salmon bio jednim koljenom na tlu, što znači da je bio prizemljen borac, a tada su koljena u glavu najstrože zabranjena. Sada se najbolje vidjelo zašto su takvi udarci zabranjeni jer obično dovode do devastirajućih ozljeda.

Salmonov menadžer Brian Butler-Au sada traži da se diskvalificirani West kazni puno strože od samog gubitka borbe.

''Sada je najvažnije Bostonovo zdravlje. Koljeno je sjelo velikom žestinom i uzrokovalo lom jagodične kosti. Osim diskvalifikacije, mislimo kako bi komisija trebala žustrije kažnjavati ovakve vrste ilegalnih radnji'', napisao je Butler-Au na Instagramu te priložio fotografiju koju mu je ustupio njegov klijent.

''Trenutačno s Bostonom i njegovom obitelji razmišljamo o tome što dalje.''

Na fotografiji se vidi grozna ozljeda oka koje je i dalje crveno do krvi.

''Hvala svima koji su se zabrinuli za moje zdravlje. Znam da su mnogi bili prestravljeni, kao i ja, ali sve će biti u redu i vratit ću se'', napisao je na Instagramu Boston Salmon.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

UPDATE: The incident that took place in LFA on July 10th was extremely unfortunate. We believe Boston is a special talent and is able to compete with the best in the world. His stent in the UFC did not go as planned because it was determined by physicians that the weight cut to bantamweight was too extreme for him to be able to perform to his ability. We were extremely excited to restart Boston’s run at featherweight with @lfafighting and get him back to a big show. Boston was in control of this fight and just settling into his range and timing in the 2nd round when both he and his opponent, Shawn West, landed simultaneous hooks causing both to be flashed and knocked down. As Boston was getting back to his feet he was hit with an illegal knee that ended the night. What we have to focus on here first and foremost is Boston‘s health. The knee landed with incredible force and caused Boston to suffer a broken orbital and cheek bone. Aside from the DQ we feel there should be disciplinary actions enforced by the commision to set a higher precedence on these types of fouls. There was no question about the legality of the knee and Boston was awarded the win at the end of the contest. It goes without saying that this is not the way Boston wanted the fight to be determined. As a team we are sitting down with Boston and his family to discuss what we want to do moving forward. Boston would like to thank LFA and their staff for getting him back on stage and giving him the opportunity to perform. For now Boston is going to undergo further examination and we will determine the next steps as we go. #bossteam

Objavu dijeli Brian Butler-Au (@suckerpunchent)


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